I was in Venice a couple of weeks ago, and came back with lots of photographs! While wandering around the streets, I saw a familiar face, a face I remember from my previous visit almost three years ago. He was waiting there with a bit more darkened face, but still looking very good.
Canım arkadaşım Şahika, bugün olduğu gibi hep çok mutlu ol…

Birkaç sene önce Galata Kulesi’nde çektiğim bu fotoğraf, karanlık odamı daha sık kullandığım günlerden… En yakın arkadaşım, Şahika’nın çok sevdiğim bu fotoğrafını paylaşmak için en doğru gün bugün, onun nikah günü…
Güzel arkadaşım, yüzün hep gülsün !
“Let’s go.”
“We can’t.”
“Why not ?”
“We’re waiting for Godot.”
Samuel Beckett, Waiting for Godot
My favourite London

One of my favourite spots in London, the ruins of St Dunstan in the East, used to be a church, built in the 12th. century and was bombed during the Second World War. The atmospheric ruins and gardens of St Dunstan are so full of peace and silence, I can’t help visiting this place whenever I am in London. Although being just at the heart of the busy City of London, in between the London Bridge and the Tower of London, the tranquility and the quietness of this place fascinates me. The moss on the walls, freely growing ivies, old tombstones, lacy windows, the decayed, the worn-out…
Hidden between the office blocks, St Dunstan is the perfect secret garden that won’t reveal itself unless you look for it. And this is the reason of my love for it.