Posts tagged ‘black&white’

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Cemeteries of London


I have to start with a thank you to The Gentle Author, creator of the blog Spitalfields Life, for inspiring me to write this post. Spitalfields Life is a lovely blog I like to follow, sharing stories and beautiful photographs about the life in Spitalfields, London. Today I came across with this post about the Bow Cemetery, which reminded me of the long walks I had in another stunning cemetery in London, The Abney Park Cemetery.

Eleven years ago, while studying in London, I first visited Abney Park for an architectural project which we were supposed to develop for the first term of college. First day was a crowded day with all the class and the tutor, exploring the cemetery and trying to find a way to start developing our own projects. But I was already struck by its beauty and quietness, and knew that I would come back on my own again and again. So that’s what I did, I went there again and again wandering for hours, taking photographs… At one point, the project was an excuse really, because I have already found out what I should do on my second visit, the following visits were just for me wanting to be alone in this beautiful place.

So here are my photos from eleven years ago, the ones that I took with my old Minolta. Today I felt like I found something long forgotten… a good memory… so I had to find these photos and share them with you. And I will definitely make sure that I will have time to visit Abney Park on my next trip to London.

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It’s the living who do the harm… the dead are here only to listen…

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” It is better to be a sheep than a wolf, better to be slain than to slay, better to be Abel than Cain…. better to be ruined than to do the ruining. “

Vincent van Gogh

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Laundry in Dubrovnik

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Here are some shots I’ve taken during a trip to Dubrovnik a while ago. This time it’s the windows and clean sheets – I guess.
Though it was a short trip for a couple of hours only, I had the chance to shoot a lot. So get ready for more!

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