Posts tagged ‘interiors’

The Frari


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The Frari   is one of my favourite churches in Venice. The simplicity of it, the tranquil interior and the beautiful architectural details are the reasons of my admiration. Not to forget the colour combination of the warm brick and the cool stone used together… The courtyard of the church is usually closed to visitors, but there are a couple of windows from where you can see the courtyard. The only thing is that you have to look for it and it’s worth it, trust me…

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By what dim shore of the ink-black river,

by what far edge of the frowning forest,

through what mazy depth of gloom are you threading

your course to come to me, my friend?

R .Tagore /  from Gitanjali

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yağmura,nisana ve yaşıma aldanıp
uçurumları kıyı sanarak
ve dağlar erişilmeyince acı verir
sözünü unutarak
kaf dağına gitmek istedim

ırmak inadıyla yürüdüm uzaklara
bir derviş olup yürüdüm uzaklara

yanıldı denektaşım geriye döndüm
Kutsal Sözler Panayırı’na sığınıp
ipeksi bir sessizliğe büründüm:

bir hayat,mahçup ve duru
ve sessiz harfleri koru.

İbrahİm Tenekecİ

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Chandeliers of  Santa Maria in Aracoeli

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well I heard there was a secret chord

that David played, and it pleased the Lord

but you don’t really care for music, do ya?

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DSC_0456blogfrom the Siena Cathedral, the most beautiful cathedral I’ve ever seen.

you can see more of it here.

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The voice of beauty speaks softly, it creeps only into the most fully awakened souls.

F. Nietzsche

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  Only a little bit of it is enough.

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İnandır beni dünya

Yıllar geçti ve birşey kaybetmedim hayretimden

Herkes bir saat alsa da çoğalmaz zaman

Ve ben bazı şeyleri açıklayamam

Mevlana İdris

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Never Forget

This one is for Srebrenica.



The National Library of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Sarajevo.

1.5 million volumes and over 155,000 rare books were completely destroyed in 1992, during the Siege of Sarajevo.

Photographs are from a couple of years ago… There was an installation about the massacre at the Library in ruins; a timber boat full of old shoes and a portrait of him looking right into your eyes… And it was all very very quiet…

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