Posts tagged ‘London’



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There is something magical about him…

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  The Pergola in Hampstead Heath should be the most atmospheric secret garden in London. I regret to have discovered it so late. Dating back from 1905, it was built as a part of the privately owned Hill House, designed as a recessed walkway or I would say a row of terraces. Although it is said to have lost it’s days of glory, seeing the pergola as it is today, I can’t think of a better example of a garden that blends with architecture in such an elegant way. The absolute silence dominating the pergola makes it a bit moody, even spooky and this might be the reason of it’s unique beauty.

Please have a look at the HAMPSTEAD PERGOLA portfolio to see all the photographs.

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kısmışım sesimi lambayı kısar gibi

içine kapanık bir taşım şimdi,

gözüm olsaydı eğer dünya nimetlerinde

pekala bulurdum onları bir çöplükte,

bir şey ki dilimin varmadığı

kuşların çarpmadığı uçarken gökte-


günler gelip geçti, hiç direnmedim

suyu yıkayan allah, sulayan ormanları

öpüp başıma koyduğum gökyüzü kadar aziz

bağışladı bana, suskun olmayı.


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The deers we came across with in Richmond Park. After a very long and exhausting walk, seeing them was the most perfect thing that could happen. Thank you Richmond for this beautiful gift. 

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A quiet corner of a very quiet place in London; with a couple of steps leading to an even more quieter place. The first moment I want to remember after coming back.

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Good Night.

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“Nothing happens. Nobody comes, nobody goes. It’s awful.”

S. BECKETT, Waiting for Godot 

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My quiet London


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Lincoln’s Inn Fields ChAPEL

“… there was not a quieter spot in England than this. In all the hundreds of years since London was built, it has not been able to sweep its roaring tide over that little island of quiet.”

from LONDON THE BIOGRAPHY  by  Peter Ackroyd

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DSC_3481blogAs promised, I’m back with more street art from London. Here are some of my favourites, but you can see more in my new portfolio. I hope you find things that inspire you :)

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