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Scaffolding of Hagia Sophia

Sometimes it’s just like that.. Ordinary things can leave you in awe.

The oddness, the volume, the roughness of it and the light, how it was showing off in the light of this holy place… I loved it.

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By what dim shore of the ink-black river,

by what far edge of the frowning forest,

through what mazy depth of gloom are you threading

your course to come to me, my friend?

R .Tagore /  from Gitanjali

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Halil-ür Rahman Camii / Urfa

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From the courtyard of the Church of Virgin Mary, Hah village / Midyat.

I just came back from a short trip to Mardin and Urfa. I took many photographs which I hope will be good enough to share with you. But this scene here is the first thing I want to remember among all I’ve seen, and wish to keep in my memory for a very long time.



You need a little bit of light to see the darkness. But only a little.

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İsmini “Derviş” koymuştum. İstanbul Arkeoloji Müzesi’nin bahçesinde sessiz, düşünceli, kendi halinde oturuyordu. Kimseyi umursamaz, etrafında olup bitene ilgisiz bir hali vardı, tabi beni de fotoğrafını çekerken farketmedi, ya da umursamadı.

O anla ilgili hiçbir şey değişmesin istersiniz ya bazen, işte bu yüzden ona yaklaşmadım, yani hiç tanışmadık. Ayrılırken “mutludur değil mi?” diye geçirdiğimi hatırlıyorum içimden, herşeye rağmen mutluydu işte… öyle.


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