Mardin’in Selçuklu camilerinden.
Bu zarif yapılara biz de hakettikleri gibi zarafetle, incelikle bakabilseydik…
The Frari
The Frari is one of my favourite churches in Venice. The simplicity of it, the tranquil interior and the beautiful architectural details are the reasons of my admiration. Not to forget the colour combination of the warm brick and the cool stone used together… The courtyard of the church is usually closed to visitors, but there are a couple of windows from where you can see the courtyard. The only thing is that you have to look for it and it’s worth it, trust me…
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sözünü unutarak
kaf dağına gitmek istedim
ırmak inadıyla yürüdüm uzaklara
bir derviş olup yürüdüm uzaklara
yanıldı denektaşım geriye döndüm
Kutsal Sözler Panayırı’na sığınıp
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ve sessiz harfleri koru.
İbrahİm Tenekecİ