Posts tagged ‘cities’

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Mardin’in Selçuklu camilerinden.

Bu zarif yapılara biz de hakettikleri gibi zarafetle, incelikle bakabilseydik…

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My quiet London


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Lincoln’s Inn Fields ChAPEL

“… there was not a quieter spot in England than this. In all the hundreds of years since London was built, it has not been able to sweep its roaring tide over that little island of quiet.”

from LONDON THE BIOGRAPHY  by  Peter Ackroyd

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Come close. I’ll tell you what the Sun, the Wind, the Cold and the Rain have done to me. First they decided to fade my colour away. Then they opened holes, drew lines on my skin. Eventually they cracked it into pieces and let them fall apart. Day by day, the weak and the trembling pieces left me one after another. Some resisted. But the hard working Wind took them away with a final touch. After that, they started working on my very flesh. How patient they were… First came the Cold, then the Sun, and the Cold again. With the help of Time, they managed to wear out my remaining layers one by one. I wasn’t that strong after all. I was the stable one, you know, but they were always on the move; coming and going with perfect timing. What was left behind was my core, open to all, showing how I was made, how I was put together; my very ‘self’.

I don’t remember when was the last time I saw the Snow; but if it were to visit me, I am sure it would be more gentle than the rest. It would even cover and protect me for a while.
Anyway, so here I am looking a bit ‘changed’. However at the end of the day I am not angry with the ones who did this to me… I even forgive them even though they don’t need me to. I accept it. I accept the change. Whatever happened was meant to happen that way, that specific way. So I accept it, and can now confess that actually loved every bit of it.
So must you.

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Try to see the beauty in ‘the imperfect’.  ‘The perfect’ is obvious to everyone.

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size kendimden bahsediyorum doktor

“biraz yağmur kimseyi incitmez”.


iyi ruhların arasında dolaşan

bir gölgeden sözediyorum

acıdan çatlamış kalbi

soğuğa dayanıklı kılan

bir bilgiden

terkedilmiş şizofrenleri

kendine çeken vadiden

keşişlerin hüznünden

ve bir aşk yüzünden

ayları karıştran kişinin

tababeti ruhiyesinden


size kendimden bahsediyorum doktor

ben kar yağarken ıslanmam.


benim öbür adım rüzgar

uğradığım orman

değdiğim kalb uğuldar.


de ki gayb seferinde kaybolmuşum

yola haritasız çıkanların

yıldızları ve münhal yüzleri okuyan

şarkısını unutmuşum

sönmüş taşıdığım ateşle beraber

yaz günleri, uğruna okul kundakladığım



de ki bulunur elbet

iyi bir hal üzre kaybolan kişi.


meğer anka değil biganeymişim

kalbim kendine varmadıkça

bitmezmiş yolum, divaneymişim

uyardı melekler rüknettinmişim

uyandım bir namaz yürür önümde.


benim de buharım tüterdi doktor

bir zaman, aşktan bahsedilince.


eve annesiz dönen çocukların

diline musallat olan

ve hazin bir ırmağın

geçerken ışıttığı kentlerin

diline musallat olan

akşamları baharın

ıslattığı mezarın

diline musallat olan


bu dünyayı severken

kalbine ağrılar saplanan kişiye

düşlerin kimyasından

şifalı otlar çıkaran


ben bir ilahi söylüyorum doktor

ay vakti, dantel kızların

diline musallat olan

su yükseliyor

iyi ki gemideyiz rüknettin

iyi ki senin öbür adın rüzgar

iyi ki mevsimden mevsime bir yol

yani inanan bir kalbin var.

Rüknettin’in Kalbi İçin Kehanetler ,    KEMal Sayar




İncecik bakan çocuklar var bir yerlerde…

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DSC_3481blogAs promised, I’m back with more street art from London. Here are some of my favourites, but you can see more in my new portfolio. I hope you find things that inspire you :)

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Just came back from London and wanted to share this with you. I did a small walk around Brick Lane, photographing London’s fascinating street art. This fantastic mural is by Puerto Rican artist Alexis Diaz. It’s an Elephant – Octopus which I think is purely beautiful.

I will post more street art of London in the coming days.

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Zeynel Bey Türbesi

 Şimdiye kadar gördüğüm en etkileyici yapılardan biri. Tek başına mimarisi değil onu güzel yapan, 15.yy’dan bu yana sırtını dayadığı muhteşem Hasankeyf, tarifi zor bir atmosfer; insanın kalbini titreten cinsten, zarafeti ve biraz da boynu büküklüğü…

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“He realized that all his life he had been a nobody to everyone. What he now felt was the fear of his own oblivion. It was as though he did not exist.”

Perfume : The Story of a Murderer

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