Posts tagged ‘interiors’

A room of…

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“To look life in the face, always, to look life in the face, and to know it for what it is…at last, to love it for what it is, and then to put it away.”
Virginia Woolf
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I knew I had to go there alone. While the rest were busy downstairs with the photo shooting, I went there, to the very top floor of this old building in Çukurcuma.

I feel lucky to have been able to photograph it’s beauty before it is renovated for a possible hotel, and I know I was lucky to have spent a couple of days in this building witnessing it’s last days as a ruin. I will share other photographs in the coming days, hope you like them…

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That color of the old paint… Someone had to remember it…

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” It is better to be a sheep than a wolf, better to be slain than to slay, better to be Abel than Cain…. better to be ruined than to do the ruining. “

Vincent van Gogh

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