Posts tagged ‘streets’


Just came back from London and wanted to share this with you. I did a small walk around Brick Lane, photographing London’s fascinating street art. This fantastic mural is by Puerto Rican artist Alexis Diaz. It’s an Elephant – Octopus which I think is purely beautiful.

I will post more street art of London in the coming days.

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“He realized that all his life he had been a nobody to everyone. What he now felt was the fear of his own oblivion. It was as though he did not exist.”

Perfume : The Story of a Murderer

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” That look. No judgment. No pity. That look can pry secrets from the blackest souls. “

Jane Eyre, Charlotte Bronte.

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Just added a new portfolio of facades from a beautiful city, Venice. You can see it here.

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Half light


Sarajevo, Bosnia Herzegovina

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From the courtyard of the Church of Virgin Mary, Hah village / Midyat.

I just came back from a short trip to Mardin and Urfa. I took many photographs which I hope will be good enough to share with you. But this scene here is the first thing I want to remember among all I’ve seen, and wish to keep in my memory for a very long time.




İsmini “Derviş” koymuştum. İstanbul Arkeoloji Müzesi’nin bahçesinde sessiz, düşünceli, kendi halinde oturuyordu. Kimseyi umursamaz, etrafında olup bitene ilgisiz bir hali vardı, tabi beni de fotoğrafını çekerken farketmedi, ya da umursamadı.

O anla ilgili hiçbir şey değişmesin istersiniz ya bazen, işte bu yüzden ona yaklaşmadım, yani hiç tanışmadık. Ayrılırken “mutludur değil mi?” diye geçirdiğimi hatırlıyorum içimden, herşeye rağmen mutluydu işte… öyle.


DSC_2000blogAgain, I feel like I ran out of words… But isn’t he right anyway?

“Every word is like an unnecessary stain on silence and nothingness.”


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The legend of Romulus, the founder of Rome, and his brother Remus rescued and fed by a she-wolf, is represented by sculptures and pictures all over Siena. Siena is believed to be founded by Senius, son of Remus. This sculpture is right in front of the Siena Cathedral, which is believed to be stolen from the Temple of Apollo in Rome and brought to the city by Senius.

I know I am posting maybe too many sculpture photographs, the thing is I can’t help taking photos whenever I see one especially when it’s surrounded by beautiful architecture, just like this one. I love to learn about the story behind them, I love the way they get old, I love to try and find the perfect background for them just before taking a photograph, I love the pigeons resting on them, I love the fact that they will stand there “for ever” and I will find them on the same spot whenever I wish to return.

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